Sustainable pricing organisation setup

Client: Consumer services provider

Topic: Pricing Organisation

Our client is a native digital service provider, offering their services to both consumers and businesses. Through an app, it offers a digital solution for something that before could only be done physically. After years of growth, they are currently the market leader in their main market. To facilitate that growth, they always had a simple and straightforward offering. Pricing was handled ad-hoc, if needed.

Recently, more competitors entered the market: some low-cost, while others are more premium. As a result there was a need for a more differentiated portfolio structure, and corresponding pricing. In addition to setting it up initially, there was the desire to stay on top of pricing afterwards. To do so, the organisation had to be set-up for success.

In addition to the differentiated portfolio structure, we supported our client with the to-be pricing organisation. This result consisted of three main building blocks:

  1. The structure of the pricing organisation, including the degree of centralisation required
  2. Overview of relevant internal stakeholders with alignment on roles and responsibilities
  3. Insight in current and desired capabilities to facilitate success in the long run

Based on these building blocks relevant processes like the yearly price adjustment could be set up.

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